Leaders Create More Leaders

Leaders Create More Leaders

The title above is a rephrased quote by Tom Peters, and I discovered it on the official website of Nation Building School (NBS).

In fact, the quote perfectly encapsulated their forum, “Is Our Youth NATO? (No Action Talk Only)”, which was held at Impact Hub on February 23, 2016.

The 5th Assembly of Young Malaysian Leaders unfolded with an air of mystery and suspense, piquing our curiosity and expectation.

A hushed silence and attentiveness was maintained for over two hours, as we pricked our ears up to the four strong voices of Syed Azmi Alhabshi (Social Activist Extraordinaire), Adam Adli Abdul Halim (Youth Activist), Idzham Mohd Hashim and Rizmel Nazrin (Member of Youth Parliament Malaysia).


All About “NATO”


Idzham initiated the forum by discussing how Malaysian youths have become increasingly vocal and opinionated over key issues in the country; mainly expressed on social media platforms such as Facebook.

He further commented on the resulting lack of interest in volunteerism or any solid action, due to it being deemed as “not sexy”. There are merely 7 volunteers for every 1,000 citizens according to a 2012 survey by volunteer portal Do Something Good.


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“There is something more terrible than NATO, which is OIC (Oh, I see),” Idzham joked in regards to the locals’ response towards volunteerism.


Syed “Extraordinaire” Azmi lived up to his middle name when he blew us away with his emotionally-charged narratives. His heartfelt yet powerful choice of words touched on viewing differences as something that can be worked out together, rather than talked or complained about. To Azmi, “happiness is generic” and his sensitivities are not a strategy, rather a way of empathizing with those suffering unfortunate conditions (‘just like the Petronas and their commercials”, he quipped). On money matters, he believed that something can always be accomplished, even with only RM10.



“We can’t look at a homeless person and tell ourselves we’re definitely in a better place because we have more things. What things? Wealth? Sure. More debt. Access to education? Sure. More dealing with bigots every day,” Azmi uttered with passion. “I don’t see age. I don’t see sexual orientation. I don’t see races. I don’t see gender. I see people.”


Next in line was Adam Adli, the familiar face of a political revolution and reformation in UPSI a few years back. As the main coordinator behind Dapur Jalanan, Adam is also passionate about securing the welfare of students and youth.

He also advocated for change, focusing on the need for solidarity of the current generation to carry on with good deeds. What motivates them to push through with the cause? He replied with an interesting reference of Yoko Ono and her husband John Lennon who held a two week-long Bed-Ins for Peace — that a revolution can take place anywhere, even in bed.


“Idealisme adalah kemewahan terakhir yang hanya dimiliki oleh pemuda.” -Tan Malaka


Lastly Rizmel, who is the youngest among the speakers, delved into the core itself. There may be criticism or haters in a world that may not change but at least, contributions to the local community through the platforms provided by the government will create a balanced opportunity to share views among people.

It is all about going down and meeting people, he stated, adding that when teamwork is absent, acts such as volunteerism and activism can be quite overwhelming. 24 hours in a day may not be enough at times to make a difference but “if you never ever give up, you will never ever fail”.


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“Regardless of your age, if you want to make that change, you can do it,” he said confidently. Rizmel also amplified on transforming ‘talks’ to ‘walks’.

Rizmel ended his talk by quoting Anatole France among others, “To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan but also believe.


Although some intriguing, difficult and challenging queries were posed during the Q&A, the speakers managed to answer gracefully and sensibly; such as regarding the implementation of medical marijuana, racial based institutions, policy-making for recurring drug rehabilitation, and even a contentious concern if NATO is for them (the speakers) or for us (the youth).



What “NATO” Taught Us


In Adam’s own words, the hopes for Malaysia is “of having a room like this filled with people of various political ideologies of various denominations, religious backgrounds, mindsets and opinions — but sit in and give each other the space to listen, debate and share harmoniously.”




We learned that we should appreciate what is around us and strive to work together to blend in with our surrounding. No matter what cause we are fighting for, we should aim for the common good and interests of the people in this land of opportunities.

We can’t change the world, but we can contribute to our nation. It will do us all good to remind ourselves that ‘well done’ is better than ‘well said’.

In the end, it was concluded that there is no such thing as NATO because we are all doing our best for the different causes we have chosen to stand up for.


The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to hold in higher esteem those who think alike than those who think differently. -Friedrich Nietzsche


If you are a hungry for a change and bursting with energy to do something, join NBS on their Facebook or website.
For any enquiries about NBS events, email at info@nationbuildingschool.com.
Also, don’t be shy to follow NBS on Twitter or Instagram for a clearer picture of their vision.


“Antigone” Through The Lens Of Its Actors, Alfred Loh & Claudia Low

“Antigone” Through The Lens Of Its Actors, Alfred Loh & Claudia Low

Theatresauce is a new collective founded with the intention to exhilarate and engage urban Malaysians through edgy works of theatre. Based in USJ, the nine-strong team — led by its artistic director, Kelvin Wong — aspires to use local stages and contemporary narratives to not only impact Malaysians personally but also to challenge them as a community to work towards a better future.

Although the relatively brand-new theatre is driven by the interrogative, collaborative, and innovative spirit of Malaysian English-language theatre from the 80s and 90s, they actually use and speak the modern language of 2016.

You can read more about the theatre here.

Recently, Theatresauce launched their first play, Antigone, at klpac this month. This modern English translation of the Greek classic by Sophocles was first adapted in the US by MacArthur Fellow Anne Carson in collaboration with Tony Award nominee Ivo van Hove. It premiered at the Brooklyn Academy of Music in New York last year.

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Theatresauce will officially start their first season next year, so make sure to keep informed on all their news and updates.

(You can read my review of Antigone here.)

I also had the greatest opportunity to interview two significant members of the play; Alfred Low (The Guard/Messenger) and Claudia Low (Ismene).

JLK: What does your role mean to you in Antigone?

Alfred Loh (AL): The messenger and guard roles are generally clear in purpose, but you can really expand and play with the roles as an actor and that gives me a lot of pleasure and freedom in exploring them. I think we are all messengers in how we communicate with others around us and it’s interesting to see how we can change what we communicate about based on HOW we communicate.

Claudia Low (CL): Ismene is driven by her emotions and filial love — she loves her sister greatly — but unlike Antigone, she’d rather fall in line to protect her family, than demand justice to honour them. She understands consequence and is in many ways paralyzed by it. That said, she’s in no way a weak character; I think Ismene represents a lot of us, and how we function in reality.

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JLK: Have you read or come across any of Sophocles’ works apart from Antigone?

AL: Only the phrase use of ‘Oedipus’ in the mother living psychological context, never read or was familiar with any prior work.

CL: I read the Cliff Notes of Oedipus the King and Electra in college. Does that count?

JLK: Why do you think that the youth of today can relate to the themes of the play?

AL: I think the way Theatresauce has chosen to stage this production makes it very relevant and relatable to today’s youth. There is eternal wisdom in all the great works of old that have survived till today and we just need to frame the telling of these stories to suit the tastes of your audience.

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CL: Antigone brings a lot of dichotomies into question: knowledge versus power; religion versus law; fate versus free will. They’re all still incredibly relevant debates, and in the digital age, now more than ever.

JLK: How is the process/experience like to work with The Actors Studio Seni Teater Rakyat & Theatresauce?

AL: It’s been a lot of fun working with this company and it’s been very rewarding and motivating and nurturing as well. I think that’s a natural by-product when you get like-minded people who are all equally as passionate and driven when it comes to your art.

CL: It’s my first time back on stage after six years, so the journey’s been a lot of things. It’s new, fun, scary, exciting, rewarding and humbling all at once.

JLK: What is your perspective on the current Malaysian performing arts scene?

AL: I think the scene is growing and maybe even fertilised by the adversity of modern day conditions. People are turning to art for reflection and release and slowly people are realising how to utilise and harness the abundance of talent in our country and region. That can only be a good thing as we have more people changing to a positive mindset focused on growing the arts scene for the betterment of all.

CL: It’s in its state of constant development. It continues to ask difficult questions and shine light on different concerns and perspectives. It continues to be a great escape and reality check. It’s so important to cultivate and motivate this sector, and it’s promising to see fresh, emerging, and established talent draw new audiences.

JLK: Care for any hints on any surprising/interesting elements in the play?

AL: That would ruin the show for you! Come watch it and be satisfied!

CL: It’s not your run of the mill Greek tragedy! It’ll be fun! I would divulge, but I’d feel bad because Alfred didn’t! Haha!

JLK: If you were not acting, what would you be busy with instead?

AL: I’d be scared to think what I’d be doing with my life if I hadn’t discovered acting. As challenging and tough as conditions can be, I feel more fortunate than most that I’ve discovered my passion and what I feel rewarded with working on for the rest of my life.

CL: I made the difficult decision to stop acting to advance my career in publishing six years ago. I found it too hard to completely commit myself to both, though my heart laid equally with both! But very recently, I got a 9-to-5 job in digital marketing, which allows weeknights and weekends to productions!

So, there you have it; what the cast of Antigone had to spill on the awesome play!

The good news is, you can still catch a show!

Antigone runs for 70 minutes without intermission. Bright strobe lights and very loud music are used during the performance. Viewer discretion is advised.

Available showtimes are from 27 July 2016 (Wednesday) to 31 July 2016 (Sunday). Tickets are priced at RM45 (Regular), RM35 (Concession; Students, Disabled & TAS Cardmembers), and RM30 (bulk student booking).

Just contact +60 7880 7999 (Ticketpro) / +60 3 4047 9000 (klpac Box Office), or visit here to purchase tickets. Enjoy!

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“All men make mistakes, but a good man yields when he knows his course is wrong, and repairs the evil. The only crime is pride.” -Sophocles, Antigone

15 Scary Places You Can’t Travel Alone

15 Scary Places You Can’t Travel Alone

Just imagine a night in your own home, all alone, and eerily quiet.

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Suddenly, you hear a noise upstairs. You go up to investigate, then all of a sudden, all the power inside the house goes off.

In pitch-black darkness, you hear the sound of your front door slamming. As you turn around, you come face-to-face with a headless corpse!

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Alright, alright, maybe I’m easily frightened or maybe “all this only happens in the movies”, or perhaps you are the cynical rational, type who don’t really believe in the supernatural.

However, that does not put an end to the (very real) existence of haunted and creepy places around the world.

Take a stroll through our goosebumps-and-hair-raising list:

1. The Island of The Dolls, Mexico

What can be worse than a possessed doll named Annabelle? Dolls scattered all over an island! What’s worse than dolls on an island? They move their hands, whisper to each other, and even lure passing boatman to the island! Creepy much!

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2. Aokigahara, Japan

Dense forests often possess a certain charm with their lush and green surroundings. However, the greenery of the Aokigahara Forest is not to be messed around with, with signboards stating “life is precious” and “consult the police before you decide to die”. The place is well-known as the most haunted suicide point to be found. Countless paranormal events have been reported so far.

3. Hoia Baciu Forest, Romania

Labelled as one of the scariest forests in the world, it is also called the “Bermuda Triangle” of Romania, as thousands of people have narrated experiencing mysterious, inexplicable sensations, headaches, and other illnesses after entering the forest. Aside from paranormal and UFO sightings being reported, there is also a weirdly perfect circle within the forest that does not have any vegetation, trees, or plants in it.

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4. Helltown, Ohio, USA

There have been several horror stories related to Helltown, with claims ranging from it being a mutant town to a place of Satanic cults and rituals. With a name like that, I’m not surprised at all!

5. The Overtoun Bridge, Scotland

It is often believed that animals are able to sense supernatural occurrences better than humans. So, nobody could fathom why dogs kept committing suicide by jumping off this bridge every other month.

This may actually be more upsetting to animal lovers than scary to horror fans.

6. Pendle Hill, Lancashire, England

Clear your doubts and assumptions on witchcraft and voodoo cults by visiting Pendle Hill. Witchcraft and cultism may have been practised here well into the 17th century, but magicians are still coming around to hunt down the resident ghosts and enhance their own black magic powers!

7. Bran Castle, Romania

Famously known as the Dracula’s Castle, there are only speculations that the dark walls of the castle that was once ruled by a sadistic killer. It is said to host the creepy presence of dead souls and spirits.

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8. Highgate Cemetery, North London, England

This cemetery is popular for well-known people such as Karl Marx, Douglas Adams, and others being buried here. However, beware also of the ghostly phantom, an old woman searching her kids, floating ghost of a nun, people vanishing into thin air, and several other spooky things happening there!

9. Old Jewish Cemetery, Prague, Czech Republic

Dating back to 1478, this cemetery has been filled up so many times that there are currently 12 “layers” of graves stacked on top of each other. There are about 12,000 visible tombstones yet over 100,000 people has been buried there. Like an old and overcrowded cemetery alone does not already give us the creeps.


10. Castle of Good Hope, Cape Town, South Africa

Just ask the guards of this castle and you will get the blood-curdling accounts of strange voices, eerie footsteps down the stairways, and screams out of nowhere!

11. Chateau Mirand, Celles, Belgium

Once inhabited by the Liedekerke-Beaufort family, this castle was abandoned after the French Revolution, and later on was used as an orphanage. All that’s left now are the spooky tales and paranormal activities, which made it one of the most-sought-after destinations for ghost hunters in Belgium.

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12. Hanging Coffins of Sagada, Philippines

The culture of burying the dead in hanging coffins have been practised by the members of the Igorot tribe for many years. Attached to the sides of cliffs, they believed this brings them closer to their ancestral spirits and would also keep their bodies safe.

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13. The Catacombs, Paris, France

A 200-mile-long network of underground pathways underneath the streets of Paris, it contains the remains of over 6 million bodies. Watch the movie “As Above, So Below” to get an idea.

14. City of the Dead, Russia

A nice little village of 100 stone houses called Dargavs, which turn out to be crypts filled with bones, as well as the clothes and other belongings of the deceased. Enough said.

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15. Sedlec Ossuary, Czech Republic

An ossuary should be a scary place since it is meant to store the bones of dead people. But take a closer look at the interior of this place — the chandeliers, garlands, coats of arms and so on are all carved out and made from human bones and skeletons — and you will never want to visit another ossuary again!

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*The information in this article has been sourced from Wanderlust Travel.

Nurse Your Newborn At The Tip Of Your Fingertips

Nurse Your Newborn At The Tip Of Your Fingertips

Hush, Little Baby, Don’t Say A Word

Babies are no exception to the precarious world of infections, viruses, or even skin problems. It is never easy to handle a tiny, fragile newborn – especially a sick or cranky one.


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However, most of these problems are not as dire as we think. Trust your parental intuition and stay calm, as we have provided a guide to care for your infant.

Mild Occurrences Among Newborns

Most of the health issues faced by new babies are physical and hardly anything to worry about, especially if it is related to feeding.


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Although it is their first bite of real food, babies respond differently to solids — some will eat anything while others are very picky. If your baby is refusing new foods at breakfast, put the food away and offer it again later, perhaps during dinnertime. After all, most newborns can live on merely breast milk or formula alone for their whole first year.


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What goes in must come out, in one way or the other. All of a sudden, from once every few days, your newborn will be pooping only once a week. This does not mean your baby is unhealthy as a slowdown in the poop department is expected after the first month. Consult expert advice only if you find your baby is constipated or having trouble pooping.

You should also be on your toes if your baby’s abdomen feels abnormally swollen and hard in between feedings, if there is no bowel movement for more than a day or two, or if your baby is routinely coughing or gagging while feeding.

Moderate Predicaments In Newborns

The crying and sleeping behaviour of infants may be aggravating for some parents, but do not pull your hair out or scream into your pillow just yet as these situations are best handled with a modicum of wisdom and tranquility.


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Newborns are experts in crying, more than often for no good reason, even if you are doing everything you can to appease them. As you become accustomed to the sound of your baby’s normal cries, you will be able to detect any unusual or peculiar cry such as if he or she is in pain. Nevertheless, if they are just being downright grouchy, put your baby down for a nap or try bringing him or her out for a walk.


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A newborn baby is like a cat, who spends most of the day asleep. The only time you should start being alarmed is if your baby is rarely alert, does not wake up on his or her own for feedings, seems tired or uninterested. This unusual change in the baby’s sleeping pattern may be a symptom of something more serious than simple lethargy.


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Sleep deprivation is unavoidable for parents with a newborn. After about 4 months, your baby may start sleeping irregularly due to significant developmental changes such as traveling, illnesses, teething, growth, and so on. At around 9 months, babies begin to understand that they can use their voice to get you to come over to them. Thus, it is essential to keep the comforting and soothing in nighttime interactions short and sweet so that it does not turn into a habit for your baby.

Severe Situations For Newborns

Some illnesses may be alarming and overwhelming for new parents, yet with the proper handling, care and solution, your baby will stand a greater chance of recovery and healing.


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Some of the most prevalent maladies of a newborn’s first year include upper respiratory infection, ear infection, and stomach virus. The best thing any parent can do is to wait and observe the symptoms — as any infection that is still present after a few days need prompt professional treatment and care.


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Fevers of 38, 39 or even 40 degrees Celsius among infants are no reason for panic as they tolerate higher temperatures to effectively fight off infections. In spite of that, fevers in newborns younger than 2 months, or lasts more than a day, or disrupts their rest and feeding, will require a check up with the doctor.


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Pay attention to your newborn’s breathing pattern and consult medical aid immediately if you notice any abnormalities such as fast breathing (more than sixty per minute), muscle retractions in the ribs, nose flaring, grunts while breathing or persistent blue skin coloring. The blue skin coupled with breathing and feeding complications could mean that the heart or lungs are not functioning perfectly.


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To reduce the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), parents are encouraged to get infants to sleep in their own beds for the first few months. Newborns should also be placed sleeping on their backs instead of on their stomachs or sides, that they should be able to move freely, and that more mothers should stop smoking during pregnancy and breastfeed their babies.

Papa’s Gonna Buy You A Mockingbird


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In conjunction with Mother’s Day, there will be several upcoming baby expos which will exhibit massive varieties of baby products and services.

You will find almost everything you need here for taking care of your newborn’s needs and giving them the best of love, care, and attention.

Check out Today’s Baby Expo, TCE Baby Expo and Babyard Malaysia for more updates and information!


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Sometimes, the smallest things take up the most room in your heart. -Winnie the Pooh


One-On-One With Youtube Sensation MAX Schneider

One-On-One With Youtube Sensation MAX Schneider

Maxwell George “Max” Schneider was born on June 21, 1992 and raised Jewish in Woodstock, New York. At the tender age of 3, MAX had already started performing and hired his first agent when he was merely 14.

Fast forward to 2015 and he signed to DCD2 Records in February, and also released an album, “NWL” (Nothing Without Love), funded by donations through Kickstarter. “Mug Shot” was the first song to be released under his official music name MAX.

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(Image source)

In April that same year, he joined a new soul group called Wichita, formed with Tim Armstrong, as lead singer. The band released their first single, “Mrs Magoo” via Hellcat Records almost immediately.

“He’s amazing. Tim is a creative spirit that just makes you smile and feel good every time you are around him. He just believes in music and believes in what he creates, and it’s really incredible to be around someone like that because it just shows that it’s not just about the music being heard, it’s more about believing in the music we’re putting out. So he’s always been someone I’ve been a huge fan of, a hero of mine, and I’m honoured to get to make music with him and Wichita,” said MAX of his work with the band.

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(Image source)

MAX has toured with Fall Out Boy, Wiz Khalifa, as well as Hoodie Allen — with whom he was featured in two tracks from Allen’s debut album, “People Keep Talking” (2014) — on the Boys of Zummer Tour throughout June last year.

Some of his tracks include Nothing Without Love (2013), Mug Shot (2014), Puppeteer (2015), Holla (February 2016), and more.

He has also made some noteworthy appearances and roles in several films such as “The Last Keepers”, (2013) “Love and Mercy” (2015) “How To Rock” (2012), “Rags”, “Crisis” (2014), and even an episode on “Law & Order: Special Victims Unit” in 2009.

Premiere Of Tri Star Pictures' "When The Game Stands Tall" - Red Carpet
HOLLYWOOD, CA – AUGUST 04: Singer/songwriter Max Schneider attends the premiere of Tri Star Pictures’ “When The Game Stands Tall” at ArcLight Cinemas on August 4, 2014 in Hollywood, California. (Photo by Christopher Polk/Getty Images)

With 405k followers on Twitter and 565k followers on Instagram, fans can anticipate a lot more new music covers, videos and remixes from the attractive singer. He is also currently working on a project and a compilation video of basement parties they did on a States tour in May.

“We’ve actually been doing this project where that song is specifically about not having to go to a club, having your own basement party, you can have your own thing. It’s actually in the States and it’s been going around and we took permission from people, from colleges and we’ve been actually doing a tour where we been showing up to people’s basements last month, setting up a show and performing for them in a very intimate space”, elaborated MAX.

Watch the recently-released official music video below:

MAX will be performing his debut in Malaysia soon at The Livescape Group’s first ever Livescape Sessions alongside talented musicians Megan Nicole, Andie Case and Mike Tompkins,as part of their Asia Tour.

Watch this space!

Prior to their upcoming performance, here are some of the questions I had the opportunity to chit chat with MAX over the phone about his favourite music, artist as well as his life as a YouTuber:

JLK: Since this is your first time coming to Malaysia, what do you know or have heard about our country?

MAX: I’ve heard that the shows there are amazing, that you guys have really energetic, wonderful people, and that you haven’t really experienced a show until you had one in Malaysia. So I’m so excited to experience the energy that I’ve heard so much about. And I’ve heard that the people there are so kind and exciting, which is also something I’m very excited to experience in person.

JLK: If you were to choose between acting and singing, which would you pick?

MAX: I would choose singing, for sure. I love acting but music is everything to me and it’s something that I hope to do forever. It’s definitely what matters the most.

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(Image source)

JLK: I’ve heard “Gibberish” before, the one featuring Hoodie Allen, and even have the song saved on my Spotify playlist. On that note, which is your most favourite song at the moment?

MAX: My favourite song of my own or another artist? (Any would be fine) I think one of my all-time favourite songs is definitely Billie Jean by Michael Jackson.

JLK: How do you think YouTube has helped your career or other YouTubers like yourself?

MAX: Oh, YouTube is amazing. I think it’s incredible for musicians and people of many art forms that they have the ability to have an identity of their own, that they do not have to ask permission to upload videos or to put out their own music. It’s a place where you can put out your own work, and do it at any time and actually have people listen. So I think YouTube’s changed my life in so many ways, it’s been an incredible tool for me, an incredible company. They were the ones who actually sponsored the Gibberish video, they were a huge help in making that song happen, so I have (YouTube) to thank for so much in my life.

JLK: Do you have any special message for your fans in Malaysia?

MAX: I’m so excited to meet my fans in Malaysia. This is the first time I will be able to so it will be amazing to give everybody a hug, and thank them in person because it’s amazing that people can listen to your music all over the world. It’s really special when you can actually look at someone face-to-face and say thank you for committing your time to involve my music in your life. So I can’t wait to see everybody, and hopefully we make people smile and give them a performance to remember. I can’t wait to meet all you guys, much love, and it’s going to be awesome.

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(Image source)

For more information or updates on MAX, head on here or here.

Check out his new album “Hell’s Kitchen Angel” on iTunes and Spotify.

Director Bernard Goh Throwing Light Upon HANDS’ Upcoming Show OPIUM

Director Bernard Goh Throwing Light Upon HANDS’ Upcoming Show OPIUM

HANDS Percussion’s OPIUM – Artistic Expressions by French and Malaysian Artists Happening This July 2016!


Recently, I had the wonderful opportunity to interview the talented and inspirational director of HANDS Percussion, Bernard Goh, who will be conducting a show this month which you can read more about here.


JLK: Why is the name of the show called “OPIUM”?

Bernard: My grandfather and I were close when I was growing up. The strongest memories I have of him are in the 70s when he used to help me with my school projects and at home. He was an opium smoker and grew dependent on it long after its main purpose for pain relief. My family and I had to keep this private for obvious reasons and it caused conflicts within the family. They were concerned with the influences of opium on me and wanted to protect me. However, despite his habits, he was kind and attentive and was always present. He inadvertently showed me that he had a lot of good in him. I chose to see that, and the good that he did despite his addiction. He inspired me to focus on what was positive.

This intertwined with the fact that it was during this time that I began to learn about France and all its fascinating art, culture, and beauty. I was intrigued and fascinated with Paris and I wanted to live there. My mother had a music box that constantly played the song ‘La Vie En Rose’ by the French cabaret singer Edith Piaf. There was a poster in a neighbor’s room that had the Eiffel Tower on in with an image of an undressed lady only wearing a necklace. All romantic images of classic French icons, music, and beauty.

These memories have lead me through my life, when I started conceptualizing this show, OPIUM was the only fitting name.


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JLK: What do you expect to express through the show, or what do you expect for audiences to take away from the show?

Bernard: OPIUM is about artistic expressions of the participating artists’ life from the inside out, wherever they may be. Our French guest artists currently live in Malaysia and find life here home. Many of us see the grass being greener on the other side. But is it really? Things may seem better on the other side when you are struggling or faced with challenges around you. But how you look at it is key to getting to where you want to go.


JLK: What can we expect from HANDS in the near future?

Bernard: We have our 4th International Drumming Festival, Kaleidoscope in September this year with guests such as Dafra Drum (The United States/West Africa) and Gamelan JingGong (Indonesia).

This time, it’s entitled Drumming Nation. Malaysia has a rich drumming background and HANDS has always stayed committed to standing on a foundation well established in Malaysia with our 24 Festive Drums style. We hope to inspire our children and youth to get involved in activities such as the performing arts or community drumming to create positive feelings and to spread joy in their community. Hence a Drumming Nation!


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JLK: How was the process of directing and handling the show?

Bernard: Having so many creative heads and trying to produce and direct a site-specific show isn’t easy. But I love a challenge. It is challenging (but so exciting!) to allow them room and time to breathe, to let them expand and explore their creativity while keeping the vision of the show intact.

Because we share a common love for exploring what is true, and expression through art, we completely trust one another and are able to move and combine our efforts into a beautiful show.


JLK: Were there any obstacles throughout the making of the show?

Bernard: The biggest obstacles, I would say, was getting everyone together for full rehearsals. Everyone is busy, we were busy running literally around the world, doing corporate shows and other commitments while rehearsing for this show. My team is very dedicated, and understand my expectations of hard work and commitment. However, they are strong and love what they do.

Technical, sound and lighting issues were some of our challenges as the sites are outdoors. I thrive on challenges and always seek one even where there isn’t one!


Bernard Goh OPIUM Interview 2


JLK: Can you elaborate more on the French music aspect and its interpretations in the show?

Bernard: Our theme songs throughout the show are two of French legend Edith Piaf’s songs, ‘La Vie en Rose’ and ‘Non, Je Ne Regrette Rein’. As ‘La Vie en Rose’ is a significant part of where all this started, it only made sense that we feature it. It has our own twist to it and will be special.


JLK: If you were given a chance to experiment with the music of other cultures, which would you like to explore?

Bernard: I am open to anything that is intriguing, challenging and (of which) I have no knowledge of! It gives me and my performers room to grow and create music that moves people around the world.


*All photos of Bernard Goh are credited to Dev Lee.


OPIUM Presents Visual & Installation Art, Dance, Calligraphy, Singing & Collaborative Music


The show will be taking place from 26 to 31 July 2016 at Damansara Performing Arts Centre (DPAC), Empire Damansara around 8.30 pm.


Ticket price will cost RM128 and RM115 for DPAC members & HANDS Club members.


To purchase tickets, you may walk in DPAC Box Office, buy online here or here, or contact +603-4065 0001 / +603-4065 0002.


Opium Concert by HANDS


“Music is moonlight in the gloomy night of life.” -Jean Paul Richter, German Romantic writer


*Reminder: Audiences will need to walk from site to site, hence casual wear and comfortable shoes are recommended. Unfortunately, the nature of the production does not allow or cater for wheelchair users.


For more information or enquiries, head on here, or email at mail@hands.com.my, or contact +6012 779 8009 / +6012 502 6883 / HANDS office: +603 6141 4480.